Jeden Sonntagnachmittag treffen sich gebürtige, adoptierte und durchreisende Berliner im Mauerpark, um einem riesigen Karaokefest im Freien beizuwohnen und daran teilzunehmen. Der festliche und ungezwungene Rahmen verspricht ein schönes Volksfest.
The Karaoke at Mauerpark Is Well Worth a Visit.
Berliners and Germans are very attached to their parks, which are very often places for living and socializing, not just for Sunday strolls. In fact, these parks are more like vast empty lawns than flower gardens. People come together to walk, to share a family meal, to have fun with friends, to play music or sport. Most of the time, people gather here and there in circles or groups.
Located on the demarcation line during the years of the German division, the Mauerpark is today the urban border between the very popular Wedding district and the very chic Prenzlauer-Berg district. The two worlds practice the “entre-soi” lifestyle, each evolving according to very different social, cultural and, above all, economic realities. But this boundary is very porous: the Mauerpark is neither quite one, nor yet part of the other. It is a bridge between these two worlds, and a mecca for social mixing. This is made all the easier by the huge flea market that takes place every Sunday, with on-site catering and impromptu street performances.
At the end of the 2000s, Joe Hatchiban, Irish by birth and Berliner by adoption, inaugurated the tradition of a giant karaoke in a wild amphitheatre inside the park. During the warmer months of the year, around a thousand people attend this popular festival every Sunday. Despite the long-standing reluctance of the public authorities, the event is now firmly rooted in local culture.

The Miracle Amphitheatre
Karaoke at Mauerpark usually starts at 3 p.m. and, depending on the weather and the mood of the audience, can go on until nightfall. However, crowds are so large that it's advisable to reserve your place more than an hour in advance. The event is free and open to all, so it's first come, first served. But you still need to choose the right one. The amphitheatre's west-facing orientation makes sunshine inevitable, and shady spots are rare. On sunny days, headgear and sunglasses are highly recommended.
Joe Hatchiban sets up his equipment at the foot of the amphitheatre, then begins the show. This devilish Irishman is a beast of a stage, an unrivalled showman. His extraordinary introduction immediately sets the tone: karaoke will be crazy and free, uninhibited and extroverted, without prejudice but not without talent.
Then comes the game of challenges, assertiveness and swagger. People who want to sing get on the waiting list and hope their favorite song will be accepted. It usually does. However, overly political or religious lyrics are forbidden to preserve the good-natured atmosphere and respect the diversity of the audience, even though the participants are mainly young and often share the same socio-cultural codes.
The audience is magnanimous and benevolent. The audience laughs without mocking the risky performances. The courage of the participants is applauded, and the children, who are no doubt performing in public for the first time, are encouraged. The karaoke takes off when a performance transcends the audience, who sing along to it, ending in thunderous applause - with the satisfaction of having had a good time together.

The Village-World Party
Karaoke at the Mauerpark is not a concert, but a people's party whose main aim is to create a sense of community. Its form may seem iconoclastic: a little trashy and rock'n'roll, a little hippy and hipster. In contrast, its substance is traditional. It recaptures the spirit of the village festivals of yesteryear, where people sang, danced and drank together. Today, this popular culture has become pop-culture, with a predominance of Anglo-Saxon music.
The event is open to all cultures, backgrounds and ages. Yet musical surprises are few and far between, and openness to world cultures remains limited. We also regret the absence of older people, who are invisible.
But let's beware of false accusations: karaoke at the Mauerpark reflects the globalization of the world. The public is international, and all nationalities and genres are represented. The apparent cultural standardization thus leads to the creation of a global village in which a Frenchman, an Italian and an Irishman share a common heritage. Far from an uncertain change of scenery, karaoke at the Mauerpark is a pleasant way of getting together.
Reasons to Visit
Good-natured atmosphere
Accessible, popular entertainment
The layout of the park
Reasons to Skip
A little too youthful
Difficult to get a good seat
Lack of clean toilets