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Legal Notices

The mentions apply to the Berlin Mémoire website. The Berlin Mémoire website may contain links to websites belonging to third parties to which these notices do not apply.


Owner: Dr. Julien Drouart

Address: Sassnitzer Strasse 7, 14199 Berlin

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Tax identification number: 24/267/00488

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The written content of the Berlin Mémoire website was entirely created by Julien Drouart, it is subject to German law. Reproduction, editing, distribution and any kind of commercial use of this content requires written permission as the creator or producer thereof. Content sharing is authorized when the source is cited, in particular in the form of a hypertext link.


The iconographic content of the Berlin Mémoire website comes in part from its own funds or from the database provided on the Wikimedia Commons website (see Photo Credits). The use of photographs respects copyright. If, however, these were not respected, please contact the editor of Berlin Mémoire who will remove the relevant content as quickly as possible.


The opinions developed on this site relate only to those of their author and are the responsibility of the latter.


The content of this site has been produced with rigor and care. As a web content provider, German law requires (§7, p. 1 TMG)​​ to take responsibility for the content of this site, but Berlin Mémoire is under no obligation to monitor or verify any information that is provided by third parties, whether or not it is saved as part of the website or only on a link towards it (§8 - §10 of the TMG). Any illegal and objectionable content will be removed as soon as the site author is notified.


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