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National Socialist Berlin

More than the remains of Hitler's Third Reich, discover places of remembrance and educational spaces devoted to the memory of the victims of National Socialism, to the study of the crimes perpetrated by the regime and to political and civic education.


Memorial sites in Berlin

Berlin has many commemorative or memorial sites relating to the issue of National Socialism.


Some are educational spaces, with a documentation center and aimed at both remembrance and education. Examples include the Jewish Museum in Berlin, the Topography of Terror or even the German Resistance Memorial.


Places of memory can be found on the original site with partly authentic sets. These are often traumatic spaces. Take for example the Sachsenhausen Memorial, the former concentration camp in Oranienbourg, or the Olympic Stadium from Berlin.


Finally, you will find in Berlin a multitude of monuments and memorials in the public space. These artistic works express the forms of memory work undertaken by contemporaries. Among the most famous are the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the Memorial to Homosexuals persecuted or the Stolpersteine, the stones of remembrance that litter the streets of the capital.

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